A moving story of Trevor McKinney, a twelve-year-old boy who accepts his teacher’s challenge to come up with a plan to change the world. His is a simple idea.. Do a good deed for three people and ask them to “pay it forward” to three others who need help. He envisions a movement of kindness and goodwill spreading across the world. However, when Jerry, a bum to whom Trevor gave his allowance, returns to a life of dissolution, the project seems valuable only as a lesson on the dark side of human nature. But ultimately Trevor is vindicated and becomes a celebrity. Yet Trevor has problems closer to home, wanting his hard working mother to see the softer side of his beloved teacher, a scarred Vietnam veteran. Anyone despairing of one person’s ability to effect change will rejoice in Trevor’s courage and his determination to see the good in everyone.
Film: USA 2000 123 min Rated M Director: Mimi Leder Cast: Kevin Spacey; Helen Hunt; Haley Joel Osment; Jon Bon Jovi; Angie Dickinson
The storyline in the film version is fairly similar to the book but it will irk some that a white actor has been cast as the teacher and in the book he is a black man. However Kevin Spacey in this role delivers an excellent portrayal of the physically scarred teacher with much insecurity. Helen Hunt as a single Mum and Osment, as Trevor, both put in strong performances. Although a little melodramatic, this is a moving tale, inspired by the book, of a young boys vision to change the world. No doubt this film will generate an interesting discussion.
Did Hollywood make a success of this adaptation? Is it just too senimental or does it restore your faith in human kindness.
1 comment:
This was a beautiful film which left many of us in tears. Such a wonderful storyline and the actors were well cast. Kevin Spacey was great in his part but it did make one wonder how it would have worked with a black actor [as per the book].
All in all a very good movie and a most enjoyable afternoon.
Thank you to everyone who makes these days possible.
Lee McGuffie
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